
Driving Privilege Restoration after Habitual DWI Conviction

Driving Privilege Restoration after Habitual DWI Conviction A lot of people want to know – can you get a limited driving privilege if your license has been permanently suspended for

Habitual DWI / DUI

Habitual DWI / DUI in North Carolina Many people have heard of habitual DWI / habitual DUI (also called “habitual impaired driving”). This is a crime distinct from the standard

Arrest Warrants in North Carolina

Arrest Warrants There are two basic ways to be arrested by the police in North Carolina, and both involve probable cause for arrest.  The first method is when the police

Perjury and the Fifth Amendment

What is perjury?  Perjury is willfully making a false statement under oath (or affirmation.) Perjury covers statements taken in court as well as statements taken in a deposition or affidavit.

What to do when pulled over for a traffic violation

What to do when pulled over for a traffic violation: Most people, on occasion, commit some sort of traffic violation. Most people have encountered or will encounter a police-initiated vehicle
Miranda Rights

Miranda Rights

Miranda Rights Most people have heard of “Miranda Rights.” But what exactly are Miranda rights? When are police required to Mirandize a suspect? And what really happens when the police

Arson Charges in North Carolina

Arson Charges in North Carolina This blog explores arson charges in North Carolina. Property crimes are common. We hear about them constantly, sometimes leading the public to believe they are

Why We Became Criminal Defense Lawyers

Why did we become criminal defense lawyers? As criminal defense lawyers in the Charlotte area, we are often asked why we do what we do. Countless times we have been

Bribery Charges in North Carolina

Bribery Charges in North Carolina Bribery is a crime, whose meaning is often misunderstood. In the criminal law context, the term bribery is often misused. Your average person tends to

Robbery Charges in North Carolina

Robbery Charges in North Carolina In North Carolina, robbery charges are felonies. Robbery charges are governed by North Carolina General Statutes. There are two main types of robbery charges: common

Texting While Driving in North Carolina

Texting While Driving in North Carolina There are many traffic offenses in North Carolina. These traffic offenses range from reckless driving to failure to wear a seat belt. The consequences for

Felony Assault Charges in North Carolina

Felony Assault Charges in North Carolina One of our previous blogs explored some of the various misdemeanor assault charges in North Carolina. This blog will explore some of the various

Indecent Exposure in North Carolina

Indecent Exposure in NC Under North Carolina law, (see NCGS § 14-190.9), indecent exposure is a charge that covers a variety of scenarios. We will discuss these below. Indecent exposure

Misdemeanor Assault Charges in North Carolina

In North Carolina, assault is broad category that encompasses many, many different criminal charges. These charges range from felonies to misdemeanors. Assault in North Carolina is governed by North Carolina

Out-of-State Traffic Convictions

How out-of-state traffic convictions affect your North Carolina driver’s license A lot of people want to know how out-of-state traffic convictions will affect their NC driver’s license. The answer is,

Weapons Charges in North Carolina

Weapons charges in North Carolina Though people have the right to bear arms in the United States according to the U.S. Constitution, there are limits to this right, and those

Private Warrants in North Carolina

Private warrants in North Carolina – Private Warrant Court Typically, people are arrested with a warrant that has been issued by a judge or magistrate. The warrant is issued based

Unlawful Passing of an Emergency Vehicle in North Carolina

Charge with unlawful passing of an emergency vehicle in North Carolina? Just curious about what this charge entails? Check out the following blog to learn more. There are a wide

Bond Hearings in North Carolina

Bond Hearings in North Carolina – How Bonds Help You Get Out of Jail In North Carolina, if you are arrested for a crime, you may wonder how you can

Prostitution Charges in NC

Like just about everywhere else in the United States, prostitution is illegal in North Carolina.  There are still many instances in which consensual sex acts between two consenting adults are


Put our team of criminal defense lawyers on your side today. You are one phone call or email away from getting your questions answered by an experienced defense attorney.

Call us at 980-272-8438 to set up a consultation.

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