Prostitution Charges in South Carolina
Prostitution Charges in South Carolina Being charged with Prostitution In South Carolina can come from a wide range of activities. Prostitution charges in South Carolina often come along with solicitation
Search Warrants and Exceptions in North Carolina
Search Warrants and Exceptions in North Carolina In general, police must have a warrant to search you, your home, or and your personal belongings. To obtain a search warrant, the police
Misdemeanor Sentencing in NC
Misdemeanor Sentencing in North Carolina Misdemeanor sentencing in North Carolina is governed by NCGS 15A-1340.23. There are two classes of crime, felony and misdemeanor. This blog focuses only on misdemeanor
Courthouse Procedure
Courthouse Procedure for Misdemeanor and Traffic offenses in North Carolina Whether you have a pending traffic court date or criminal court date, many criminal defense and traffic clients have concerns
Immigration Consequences of Criminal Charges
Immigration Consequences of Criminal Charges Why non-citizens accused of a crime should talk to a criminal defense attorney Being convicted of a crime can negatively impact a non-citizen’s immigration status
Cyber Crimes in North Carolina
Cyber Crimes in North Carolina With the widespread use of the Internet, social media, and text messaging, North Carolina law has expanded to recognize a new category of crimes –
Marijuana Charges in South Carolina
Marijuana Charges in South Carolina Though legalized in many states, possession of marijuana is still illegal in South Carolina in most circumstances. Depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding the
Driving While License Revoked (DWLR)
Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) in North Carolina A driver’s license is something almost everyone relies on every day and oftentimes, people forget that in the eyes of North Carolina
Conditional Discharge and Deferred Prosecution
Conditional Discharge and Deferred Prosecution in North Carolina In North Carolina, sometimes a criminal defense client has special options available to help him or her avoid a criminal conviction. This
Felony Sentencing in North Carolina
FELONY SENTENCING IN NORTH CAROLINA Felonies in North Carolina are divided into ten (10) different classes, A (the most serious), B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G, H, I (the least
Embezzlement in North Carolina
White Collar Crimes: Embezzlement Punishment in North Carolina What are White Collar Crimes? White Collar Crimes are financially motivated and non-violent in nature, these crimes are usually committed by someone
Larceny in North Carolina
In North Carolina, larceny is defined under N.C.G.S. 14-72.Larceny, which is commonly referred to as theft or stealing, is a property crime in North Carolina and generally must meet all
Sentencing for Misdemeanors in North Carolina
There are two classes of crime, felony and misdemeanor. In North Carolina, there are four categories of misdemeanors: (1) Class A1, which includes the most serious type misdemeanor crimes; (2)
Put our team of criminal defense lawyers on your side today. You are one phone call or email away from getting your questions answered by an experienced defense attorney.
Call us at 980-272-8438 to set up a consultation.