by Gilles Law | Aug 31, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Federal Jurisdiction Federal Jurisdiction – when does a federal court have federal jurisdiction over a criminal charge? Jurisdiction is the power for a court to decide a matter, whether the matter is criminal or civil. If a court does not have jurisdiction, they...
by Gilles Law | Aug 30, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Firearm enhancements in federal court Firearm enhancements can greatly increase an already-harsh federal sentence. Firearm enhancements are just one way in which a federal sentence can be increased. We explore firearm enhancements and how they affect federal...
by Gilles Law | Aug 22, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Substantial Assistance and Federal Sentencing Reductions Substantial assistance – some federal defendants may be eligible to receive a federal sentence reduction on the basis on providing “substantial assistance”. Substantial assistance is an option...
by Gilles Law | Aug 21, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Federal Detention – Detention Orders in Federal Court Federal detention is a part of the federal criminal justice system. When you are charged with a federal crime in federal court, one of the first court considerations is whether the defendant will be detained...
by Gilles Law | Aug 15, 2018 | DWI, NC Criminal Defense
Treatment Courts – Recovery Courts in Mecklenburg County – S.T.E.P. Court Mecklenburg County S.T.E.P. Program stands for “Mecklenburg County Supervision, Treatment, Education, and Prevention Program”. It was started in 1995. You may have heard of “Drug...