Criminal Defense Attorneys in North Carolina

Federal Criminal Defense

Federal Criminal Defense

Federal criminal defense – Not all criminal charges are created equal. Therefore, not all criminal defense is going to the be the same. We are not just talking about strategy, but also collateral consequences, sentencing, and trial procedure.  Most crimes...
Federal Plea Deals

Federal Plea Deals

Federal plea deals – When someone is charged with a federal crime, it can be very scary.  Federal crimes can seem a lot more serious and complicated than state crimes. The elements of the crime, the punishments for the crime, and even how a plea is taken can be...

Federal Drug Trafficking

Federal Drug Trafficking Charges Federal drug trafficking is a term that is often misunderstood by the general public.  When people hear the term trafficking, they often associate with movement.  That movement can come in the form of buying, selling, or distributing. ...
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