
Drug Recognition Experts in DWI Cases

Drug Recognition Experts in DWI Cases – In North Carolina, Driving While Impaired (DWI) cases can get very complicated very fast.  Some would assume it is simple – either you

Due Process in Criminal Cases

Due Process in Criminal Cases – People present in the United States have many, many rights against interference from the government.  We say “people present in the United States” because

Appreciable Impairment in DWI Cases

This blog focuses on appreciable impairment in DWI cases. In North Carolina, as far misdemeanors go, Driving While Impaired (DWI) is one of the most serious charges you can ever

Acting in Concert

Through “acting in concert,” a person can face the entirety of the legal consequences of a crime that they only had a small part in.  What does that mean? Let’s

Failure to Return Rental Property in North Carolina

Failure to return rental property is a crime in North Carolina. This blog explores failure to return rental property. There is a myth out there that every lawyer knows every

Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendment provides for several valuable rights and protections. People often refer to the Constitution of the United States while engaged in political discussions. Oftentimes, things are misquoted, misinterpreted,

What to do after a DWI conviction

What to do after a DWI conviction – We do our very best to defend DWI charges by every legal means at our disposal.  Despite this effort, however, sometimes clients

Common Mistakes Made During North Carolina DWI Stop

Don’t forfeit your constitutional rights during a DWI stop – here, we explore common mistakes that people make when they are being investigated for DWI. “You have the right to

Failure to Work After Being Paid in North Carolina

Failure to work after being paid in NC – One of the topics that we find interesting is just how many crimes North Carolina statutes cover that most people have

Driving after Consuming (Person under the Age of 21) in North Carolina

Driving after consuming when a person is under 21 years of age – In North Carolina, it is also against the law to drive a motor vehicle while impaired. It

Probation Violations in North Carolina

Probation violations in North Carolina – Criminal cases come with a wide variety of consequences if the defendant is found guilty. With regard to state crimes, the North Carolina misdemeanor

DWI Trial in North Carolina

DWI Trial in North Carolina – If you have been charged with DWI, there are serious consequences that come with a conviction, including fines, license suspension, community services, and jail

DWI License Suspension

DWI License Suspension – In North Carolina, a DWI charge is a serious matter that has some very serious consequences.  One of those consequences involve DWI license suspensions.  There are

Defending a DWI Charge in North Carolina

Defending a DWI Charge in North Carolina – When we get calls from people who have been charged with DWI in North Carolina, we ask a large number of detailed

Cross Examination in a Criminal Trial

Cross Examination in Criminal Trials – “Would you like to cross examine the witness?”.  We have all heard a judge on television say something like this, but how many people

Testimony in Criminal Cases

Testimony in a criminal case – we have written extensively on criminal trials and what constitutes  evidence in a criminal trial.  What remains constant is the use of testimony to

District Court for Criminal Cases

District Court in Criminal Cases – There are several different terms that are thrown around when referring to criminal cases, and many of them are often misunderstood.  Court itself is

Jail Time While Charges are Pending

This blog entry discusses jail time while awaiting resolution of pending criminal charges.There are a large number of innocent people sitting in jails across America.  This may seem like some

Traffic Crimes in North Carolina

Traffic Crimes in NC – The criminal defense lawyers at Gilles Law go to social events,meet people, and go to gatherings just like everyone else.  What would seem out of

Airport Searches and the Fourth Amendment

Today’s blog explores airport searches and the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Everyone is aware that airport passengers are subjected to heightened scrutiny than an average law-abiding citizen.


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