by Gilles Law | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog Posts, DWI, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Suppressing evidence in a criminal trial – Being charged with a crime is one of the scariest experiences one can imagine and people often feel lost, and don’t know what to do. Hiring an attorney is a logical step to help navigate you through that situation...
by Gilles Law | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Often, we get calls from potential clients who have been charged with a crime and of course they tend to be worried. “I have been charged with a crime, so is it over for me?” The answer to this question is no, but it is not a simple no. In this blog, we will talk...
by Gilles Law | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Prison sentencing in North Carolina can be very confusing to many people. This is understandable since it is a complicated topic that requires some training to understand. North Carolina felony sentencing guidelines determine how much time, if any, someone will...
by Gilles Law | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Possession of alcohol by a minor in NC – Most people would like to go through their entire life without being charged with a crime. Though this is a reasonable goal on the surface, sometimes criminal charges occur much more easily than a person might think. A...
by Gilles Law | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog Posts, SC Criminal Defense
No matter what you may or may not have done, you are innocent of a crime until proven guilty and the government has the burden to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. There are consequences of criminal convictions that go beyond just prison time and fines, and...