by Gilles Law | May 18, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Capital Punishment – The Death Penalty One of the most hotly debated topics in our society is the death penalty. A lot of people have expressed interest in this topic. As such, we have taken some time to break down capital punishment in North Carolina. North Carolina... by Gilles Law | May 16, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Probable Cause, Grand Juries, and Indictment If you have been charged with a felony in North Carolina, you will face a lengthy process. You will have several court dates. One such court date – the probable cause court date – is the subject of this blog. The probable... by Gilles Law | May 15, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Self-Defense in North Carolina Self-Defense and Defense of Others Self-defense and defense of others are technically two separate defenses. For the purposes of this blog, we will be examining both of these defenses together, as the difference in the two defenses is... by Gilles Law | May 11, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Statute of Limitations for Criminal Charges Everyone has heard of statute of limitations. There are various statutes of limitation for civil and criminal matters. This blog focuses on the North Carolina statute of limitations for criminal charges. What is... by Gilles Law | May 9, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Insanity as a defense to criminal charges This blog explores insanity as a defense to criminal charges. This is distinguishable from the defenses of mental infirmary and diminished capacity. It is also distinguishable from being incompetent for purposes of assisting...