by Gilles Law | Aug 13, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Federal Crimes – when does a crime become federal? Federal crimes – how, when, and why some criminal charges become federal crimes. Criminal charges can come in a wide variety of forms. There are local crimes, state crimes, and federal crimes. In general,... by Gilles Law | Aug 9, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
North Carolina Federal Courts Federal Courts – federal crimes are punished in federal courts (click here to learn what makes a crime federal). Federal Courts have a unique set of court procedures and rules. Court procedures and processes can be pretty confusing... by Gilles Law | Aug 7, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Ethnic Intimidation in North Carolina Ethnic intimidation in North Carolina and teaching ethnic intimidation are both illegal in North Carolina. These crimes are governed by NCGS 14-401.14. What is ethnic intimidation in North Carolina? A person is guilty of ethnic... by Gilles Law | Aug 6, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Probable Cause for Drug Crime Arrest Absent Field Testing Drug crime arrests in the age of the opioid crisis have proven to pose a dilemma for law enforcement, district attorneys, and criminal defense attorneys. With the opioid epidemic and the dangers of drugs such...
by Gilles Law | Aug 2, 2018 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense, NC Traffic
lawDo you have to identify yourself to the police/show them your identification? Do you have to identify yourself to the police and show them your identification for no reason? This is a question that comes up a lot. People often want to know if an officer can...