by Gilles Law | Mar 30, 2020 | Blog Posts, DWI, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Preparing for a Criminal Trial – If someone has been charged with a crime there are only three ways in which that can end. The charges can be dismissed, the defendant can take a plea, or the charges can be resolved by means of a criminal trial. Though trials are...
by Gilles Law | Mar 27, 2020 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Stalking involves engaging in a course of conduct or harassment, knowing that the conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for the safety of himself or another or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking is generally a Class A1 misdemeanor that can...
by Gilles Law | Mar 25, 2020 | Blog Posts, DWI, NC Criminal Defense
Checkpoints are a type of traffic stop in North Carolina. Checkpoints must be compliant with the constitutional principles such as the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. Statutorily, checkpoints in North Carolina are governed by...
by Gilles Law | Mar 23, 2020 | Blog Posts, DWI, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Consent to search in criminal matters – The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects individuals present in the country from unlawful search and seizures at the federal level. The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution makes...
by Gilles Law | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
It is easy to understand how being sent to jail or prison for a criminal conviction can be a tough and life changing consequence to deal with, however, many people don’t realize the seriousness of probation. Specifically, the violation of the conditions of probation...
by Gilles Law | Mar 18, 2020 | Blog Posts, DWI, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense
Should I hire an attorney lawyer? – The further we get in society with technological advances and information on the internet, the more we are tempted to go with the “do it yourself” approach. That may be an okay idea when it comes to changing a car part, tiling your...