by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense
Search Warrants and Exceptions in North Carolina In general, police must have a warrant to search you, your home, or and your personal belongings. To obtain a search warrant, the police officer needs probable, meaning that an officer must have some evidence more than...
by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Misdemeanor Sentencing in North Carolina Misdemeanor sentencing in North Carolina is governed by NCGS 15A-1340.23. There are two classes of crime, felony and misdemeanor. This blog focuses only on misdemeanor sentencing in North Carolina. There are four categories...
by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense, NC Traffic
Courthouse Procedure for Misdemeanor and Traffic offenses in North Carolina Whether you have a pending traffic court date or criminal court date, many criminal defense and traffic clients have concerns about their pending court date. This blog provides an overview of...
by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, NC Traffic, SC Criminal Defense
Immigration Consequences of Criminal Charges Why non-citizens accused of a crime should talk to a criminal defense attorney Being convicted of a crime can negatively impact a non-citizen’s immigration status and if a non-citizen or naturalized citizen is accused of a...
by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Cyber Crimes in North Carolina With the widespread use of the Internet, social media, and text messaging, North Carolina law has expanded to recognize a new category of crimes – cyber crimes. This blog will explore some of the cyber crimes recognized in North...
by Gilles Law | Sep 26, 2017 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
Conditional Discharge and Deferred Prosecution in North Carolina In North Carolina, sometimes a criminal defense client has special options available to help him or her avoid a criminal conviction. This blog provides an overview of conditional discharge and deferred...