If you were charged with a DWI/DUI in North Carolina, there are many factors to consider. DWI comes with serious and lasting consequences. Defending a DWI is a complicated process. Consult with a DWI/DUI attorney as soon as possible.
Were you charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI) in North Carolina?
Your first step should be contacting a DWI attorney.
Contact us at Gilles Law for a free over-the phone consultation – 980-272-8438
Let the DWI attorneys at Gilles Law fight for you. We offer clients charged with DWI aggressive representation and zealous advocacy, from start to finish. Our attorneys understand the severity of the charges that you face and what is at stake. Furthermore, we understand that every DWI is different and that every client is unique. We tailor our representation to each individual client and provide the personalized service that is necessary.
DWI/DUI is a serious charge with serious consequences, and you should consult a DWI attorney immediately upon being charged.
Defending a DWI charge is a serious matter. Here is how we fight for you, if you have been charged with DWI:
- Your DWI attorney will defend you by challenging every step of the DWI encounter. We will start by evaluating whether you should have been stopped in the first place. We will then evaluate whether there was probable cause for arrest. Next, we will examine whether proper post-arrest procedures were used in your case and if they were not, whether we may be able to get your case dismissed.
- Your DWI attorney will evaluate your entire case and go over everything with you. Because of this, you stay well informed during every part of the DWI process.
- Your DWI attorney will explain to you what mistakes you may have made during the DWI stop and how that may impact your case.
- We will discuss your goals with you. Based on these discussions, we will come up with a strategy that fits these goals.
- We will make sure you are aware of how DWI sentencing works so that you are fully informed regarding the risks that are involved.
- We will discuss the penalties, including license suspension and other collateral consequences of a DWI conviction.
- Your DWI attorney will represent you at every stage of the District Court process, from your first appearance to your DWI trial, and will even be available to hire for an appeal, should that need arise.
- We will discuss your potential eligibility for a limited driving privilege, should you be convicted.
Information on specific DWI issues in North Carolina:
- Aggravating Factors
- Aiding and Abetting DWI
- Appreciable Impairment
- BAC Under .08
- Breathalyzer refusal
- Checkpoints
- Civil Revocation of Driver’s License
- Collateral Consequences
- Commercial DWI
- Defending a DWI Charge
- Driving After Consuming
- Driving Under Influence of Impairing Substances
- Drug Recognition Experts
- Drugged Driving
- Habitual DWI/DUI License Restoration
- Ignition Interlock
- License Suspension
- Limited Driving Privilege
- Limited Driving Privilege for Breathalyzer Refusal Revocation
- Mitigating Factors
- Open Container
- Prescription Drugs and DWI
- Pre-Trial Motions
- Probable Cause for DWI Arrest
- Reasonable Suspicion
- Treatment Court in Mecklenburg County
- Warrantless Searches and Consent
Put our team of criminal defense lawyers on your side today. You are one phone call or email away from getting your questions answered by an experienced defense attorney.
Call us at 980-272-8438 to set up a consultation.