by Gilles Law | Oct 25, 2019 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Armed Career Criminal Act in Federal Criminal Law – Federal criminal law is very serious and has very serious consequences for the accused person. One of the main causes of concern for anyone charged with a federal crime as opposed to a state crime is the...
by Gilles Law | Aug 22, 2019 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense
In North Carolina, felonies are generally punished under the North Carolina Felony Sentencing guidelines. These guidelines center around class of crime, prior conviction points, and aggravated factors. There are some cases however where additional statutes,...
by Gilles Law | Nov 7, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense, NC Criminal Defense, SC Criminal Defense
Mandatory Minimums in Criminal Cases Often, people charged with a crime are willing to accept certain consequences, but one of the biggest points of concern is the amount of jail or prison time that they will face. When hiring a criminal defense attorney, the purpose...
by Gilles Law | Oct 2, 2018 | Blog Posts, Federal Criminal Defense
Armed Career criminal act in Federal Court The Armed Career Criminal Act provides sentences enhancements under certain circumstances for repeat offenders. This blog explores the Armed Career Criminal Act. Federal criminal charges usually have more severe consequences...